Rule Changes |
/endpoints/json/json-rule-changes |
Rule Changes - 001N |
/endpoints/json/json-rule-changes/001N |
Rule Books |
/endpoints/json/json-rule-books |
Rule Books - 001N |
/endpoints/json/json-rule-books/001N |
Penalty Rates All |
/endpoints/json/json-penalty-rates-all |
Hair and Beauty Industry Award |
/endpoints/json/json-hair-beauty |
Overtime for casuals |
/endpoints/json/json-overtime-casual |
Family violence leave All documents |
Award variation applications |
Annualised salaries |
/endpoints/json/json-annualised-salaries |
Decisions & Statements |
/endpoints/json/json-decisions-statements |
Public Holidays |
/endpoints/json/json-public-holidays |
Part-time |
/endpoints/json/json-part-time |
Penalty Rates Decisions-statements |
Payment of wages |
/endpoints/json/json-payment-wages |
National Training Wage |
/endpoints/json/json-nattrain-wage |
Alleged NES inconsistencies |
/endpoints/json/json-alleged-ness-incon |
General Retail Industry Award |
/endpoints/json/json-genretail-indaward |
Plain Lang: Hair and Beauty Industry Award |
/endpoints/json/json-plainlang-hairaward |
Plain Lang: Fast Food Industry Award |
/endpoints/json/json-plainlang-fastfoodawd |
Plain Lang: Document |
/endpoints/json/json-plainlang-alldocs |
Final stage |
/endpoints/json/json-final-stage |
Family violence leave Decision and statements |
Gazette Notices |
/endpoints/json/json-gazette-notice |
Award variation pages |
Major cases |
/endpoints/json/json-major-cases |